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The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the Charlie Rose Show, November 2

25th November 2009

bartholomew The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, author of Fordham’s In the World, Yet Not of the World, made a rare television appearance on the Charlie Rose Show on November 2.

During the interview, His All Holiness explained his role in the church as leader of 300 million Christians worldwide, as well as discussed the reason for his visit to the United States, his sixth. He participated in the eighth international interfaith and interdisciplinary environmental symposium in New Orleans.  Environmentalism is a cause that is important to Patriarch Bartholomew, as he explains:  “Usually we speak about the education of our children and the good food of our children, but what about the air that they breathe and the water they drink?  Now and tomorrow and after tomorrow we have to think of the coming generations, the posterity.  That is a duty of the church and that is why the Ecumenical
Patriarchate initiated this symposium and environmental activity.”

You can read the entire interview here.