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Happy Birthday, George!

22nd February 2011

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. His birthday is celebrated as a federal holiday in the United States along with Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on “Washington’s Birthday” — the Monday before Washington’s birthday and after Lincoln’s birthday on February 12th.

george_washington George Washington chopped down a cherry tree, had wooden teeth, and wore a wig.  He was the first President of the United States, his face is on the dollar bill, and he fought the English during the Revolutionary War. At least, these are the facts we are taught about Washington, the mythology that has grown around his name for the past three centuries. But what’s behind all of these legends?

George Washington: Ordinary Man, Extraordinary Leader, by Robert F. Jones, seeks to present all of the facets of Washington’s life in a concise, comprehensive biography. Jones portrays the American icon not as a saintly hero, but as a rather common man who achieved greatness by translating his practical skills into revolutionary and history-changing leadership. The book pays special attention to Washington’s political views and his struggles to lead a brand-new country, giving us insight into the roots of our democracy.

Books on Abraham Lincoln:

The Lincoln Assassination: Crime & Punishment, Myth & Memory
A Lincoln Forum Book
Edited by Harold Holzer, Craig L. Symonds, and Frank J. Williams

Coming out in paperback this March!
Lincoln Revisited
New Insights from the Lincoln Forum
Edited by John Y. Simon, Harold Holzer, and Dawn Vogel