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Selling to Libraries: The New eBook Aggregation Options

21st June 2011

2011 AAUP Meeting, Baltimore, MD

Faced with shrinking budgets and limited space, libraries seek new ways to acquire the books their patrons want and need. Publishers must figure out a tenable model to meet this demand. Several new aggregators have emerged to offer collections of university press e-books on highly functional platforms to the library market. How should presses decide among these new options? Which ones will libraries choose to buy? What’s the difference between subscription and perpetual access? What do libraries want, and how can presses provide it in a way that supports their own sustainability? A librarian from a major university and representatives from Project MUSE/UPCC, JSTOR, Oxford Scholarship Online, and Cambridge Books Online answered questions and provided backup as Fredric Nachbaur, Director, Fordham University Press, gave a comparative overview of the new aggregation options now available for scholarly monographs.