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Pardon Moi. You could save 25% on our books in French Thought!

1st July 2014

For the month of July, we are featuring some great titles in French Thought that are 25%  off. Use the promo code: FRPH14 at checkout at

Unfamiliar with some of the names? These authors have shaped philosophy, literature, gender studies, film studies, art, music–we could go on and on.

The late Jacques Derrida was the single most influential voice in European philosophy of the last quarter of the twentieth century. His Athens, Still Remains, The Animal That Therefore I Am, Sovereignties in Question, and Deconstruction in a Nutshell are staples of the Fordham University Press list. Watch this video of Jacques Derrida on the Fear of Writing.

For Strasbourg: Conversations of Friendship and Philosophy

Athens, Still Remains: The Photographs of Jean-François Bonhomme

Miracle and Machine: Jacques Derrida and the Two Sources of Religion, Science, and the Media

Jean-Luc Nancy is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the Universite Marc Bloch, Strasbourg. Among the most recent of his many books to be published in English are Being Nude: The Skin of Images; Corpus II: Writings on Sexuality; Dis-Enclosure: The Deconstruction of Christianity; Noli me tangere: On the Raising of the Body; The Truth of Democracy; Adoration: The Deconstruction of Christianity II and The Pleasure in Drawing (all Fordham).

Being Nude: The Skin of Images



Peter Szendy is Professor of Philosophy at Paris Ouest Nanterre and musicological adviser for the concert programs at the Cité de la musique. His books to have been translated into English (all from Fordham) are Kant in the Land of Extraterrestrials, Hits: Philosophy in the Jukebox; Prophecies of Leviathan: Reading Past Melville, and Listen: A History of Our Ears.

Kant in the Land of Extraterrestrials: Cosmopolitical Philosofictions

Hits: Philosophy in the Jukebox


Barbara Cassin is Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. She is the editor of Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon (Princeton UP), and Sophistical Practice: Toward a Consistent Relativism (Fordham).

Sophistical Practice: Toward a Consistent Relativism



Anne Emmanuelle Berger is currently professor of French Literature and Gender Studies at the Universite Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, where she heads the Centre d’etudes feminines et d’etudes de genre. She is also director of a new national Institute for Gender Studies (Institut du Genre), backed by the CNRS and 32 French institutions for higher education. Her most recent publications include Demenageries: Thinking (of) Animals After Derrida (Rodopi) and The Queer Turn in Feminism: Identities, Sexualities, and the Theater of Gender.

The Queer Turn in Feminism: Identities, Sexualities, and the Theater of Gender


Catherine Malabou, holder of Visiting Chairs in numerous North American universities, currently teaches philosophy at the CRMEP (Center for Research in Modern European Philosophy) at Kingston University (UK) . The most recent of her books are, with Judith Butler, You Will Be My Body for Me (forthcoming in English), and Changing Difference: The Feminine in Philosophy (Polity).

The New Wounded: From Neurosis to Brain Damage



Jean-Luc Marion is The Andrew Greeley and Grace McNichols Greeley Professor at the University of Chicago Divinity School, Department of Philosophy, and Committee on Social Thought; Dominique Dubarle Chair of Philosophy at L’Institut Catholique de Paris; Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris IV–Sorbonne, and a member of the Académie Française. His books for Fordham include Prolegomena to Charity; In Excess: Studies of Saturated Phenomena; On the Ego and On God: Further Cartesian Questions; The Visible and the Revealed; The Essential Writings, and, as co-author, Phenomenology and the “Theological Turn”: The French Debate.

The Essential Writings