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Times Higher Education Review on Senses of the Subject

24th July 2015

Senses of the Subject, by Judith Butler

Danielle Sands on a collection of philosophical essays that focus on passions, desires and sensory experience.

Book review: Senses of the Subject, by Judith Butler
“With this inspiring book – simultaneously a philosophical dispossession of philosophy, a paean to sensation and an affirmation of the “radically impossible venture” of ethics and politics – she edges towards a palpable, outward-looking alternative to philosophical chest-beating.” READ FULL ARTICLE

Danielle Sands is lecturer in philosophy, Royal Holloway, University of London.

Senses of the Subject
By Judith Butler
Fordham University Press, 228 pages, £69.00 and £16.99
ISBN 9780823264667 and 4674
Published 2 March 2015