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Huffington Post Interview: Nicolas Hundley of The Revolver in the Hive

20th April 2016

In 2013, Fordham University Press published The Revolver in the Hivethe first book of poetry written by Nicolas Hundley.  Hundley’s work won the Poets Out Loud Editor’s Prize in 2012, and in addition, he has had multiple poems featured in Green Mountain Review, Massachusetts Review, and Conduit, to name a few.  He was recently interviewed by Jonathan Hobratsch, an English professor and a poetry editor, for HuffPost Books about his writing style, inspirations, and what he is currently working on now.

Hundley talks a bit in the interview about his writing and editing process.  He says the following in response to Hobratsch’s request, “Tell us about your writing and editing methods.”

I write first drafts in notebooks, normally during lunch breaks. I have several haunts near my office, including various libraries and cafes. Having a time constraint is beneficial for me, as I’m forced to get as much down as I can without being self-conscious.

Then, I transcribe and revise during weekends and evenings. Afterward, I stick them in a drawer or folder and try to forget them. Months later, when I can look at them afresh, I go back to the notebook to expand or pursue different directions. Typically, my poems undergo several revisions and drafts. Some arrive after only one draft, but those are rare.

Hundley ends the interview by explaining where he draws inspiration from.  He says:

Beyond fiction and poetry, I get inspiration from film, music, and visual art. Though, I don’t often directly respond to particular paintings or songs, for instance, in my poems. Rather, I respond to them by evoking their mood or logic.

My writing is more likely drawn directly from everyday experience—even what some might consider “unglamorous” aspects, like work. I’ve held various jobs in state government, where I’ve been exposed to a good amount of bureaucracy and bureaucratic language. Over time, I’ve become fascinated with bureaucratic language—its jargon, ambiguity, and clinical voice—and the unintentional beauty that it occasionally produces. I’m intrigued by the thought that any experience or language can be incorporated into a poem.

To read Hundley’s interview in its entirety, you can find it here.

Please check out The Revolver in the Hive by Nicolas Hundley and other books like it at Fordham Press’ website.  We are sure you won’t be able to put it down!