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Keepin' it COOL

14th July 2017

Now that summer is in full swing, and New York finds itself in the grip of another heatwave, Rory Carroll of The Guardian is writing of those sweltering days when life without air conditioning is unbearable.  However, he mentions that with all the energy being put towards air conditioning, it is leading to negative environmental consequences.  With the help of Salvatore Basile, a Fordham Press author, he delves into this issue.  Read the full article here.

Referring to air conditioning, “’It’s made its way into American life,’ said Salvatore Basile, author of Cool: How Air Conditioning Changed Everything. ‘This idea for millennia that God made hot weather so you should put up with it – that attitude has relaxed.'”

“Bar Armageddon, the technology is here to to stay,’ said Basile. ‘It’s not possible to go back once you’ve been going forward. From a philosophical standpoint I, an air-conditioning junkie, can’t tell someone they can’t have it.’”

Basile’s book, Cool: How Air Conditioning Changed Everything, is available in paperback, hardcover, and electronic formats. Visit Fordham Press’ website to learn more about this book.