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A Message of Hope in the midst of a Pandemic

12th April 2020

The pandemic of COVID-19 has disrupted our world. It is important to remember “this is not a time for indifference,” Francis said [during his Easter Mass 2020], “because the whole world is suffering and needs to be united in facing the pandemic” (NY Times). 

ISBN: 9780823287598

The message of hope is extremely relevant in this time of anxiety and panic. Pope Francis conveys that message in his homilies from the period of time when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires. An important chapter in his life where he grows immensely in thought, reflection, and action, laying the groundwork for the mature, thoughtful, and beloved Pope Francis he has come to be known as around the world.

“An uplifting, positive, beautiful and much needed read at this time in the world with Coronavirus pandemic. . . Each sermon is meant to be positive or a wake-up call to be better and do better; for yourself and others around you. Pope Francis is certainly an eloquent speaker and a symbol of hope and love. This is a powerful book.”—Lisa Konet, Georgina Cole Library

ISBN: 9780823285600

This illuminating collection presents an extraordinary opportunity to understand the vision of a great pastor. His words bear witness to the deep experience of faith among God’s people while also showcasing his own extraordinary ability to connect with communities of faith. Through these homilies and speeches, Pope Francis humbly displays his abilities as a wordsmith, a patient and attentive teacher, an inspired and faithful theologian, and a sensitive pastor uniquely attuned to his people, offering ready guidance for their journeys, but also journeying with them.

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