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Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Her Legacy and the Future of Women in American Politics

16th October 2020

For the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: May She Rest In Power

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a progressive, actively engaged, unabashed, feminist icon. Both the co-founder and pioneering advocate of the A.C.L.U’s Women’s Rights Project, Justice Ginsburg was an inspiration to women all throughout the nation. An integral part of the United States Supreme Court, her death rests heavy on the American people and the future of women in politics. To commemorate her legacy, and to recognize the expansive steps she has made for our country, here are a few of the Press’ feminist works and resources.

Shell Shocked: Feminist Criticism After Trump by Bonnie Honig

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Across two dozen trenchant, witty reflections, Bonnie Honig offers a biting feminist account of politics in the age of Trump. In today’s shock politics, Honig traces the continuing work of patriarchy, as powerful, mediocre men gaslight their way across the landscape of democratic institutions. Honig’s damning, funny, and razor sharp essays take on popular culture, national politics, and political theory alike as texts for resensitizing through a feminist lens. Here are insightful readings of film and television, from Gaslight to BombshellUnbelievable to Stranger ThingsRambo to the Kavanaugh hearings. In seeking out the details that might break the spell of shock, this groundbreaking volume illustrates alternative ways of living and writing in a time of public violence, plunder, and―hopefully―democratic renewal.

Forthcoming March 2021 Pre-order here!

Toward A Feminist Ethics of Nonviolence by Adriana Caverero, Judith Butler, and Bonnie Honig


Toward A Feminist Ethics of Nonviolence brings together three major feminist thinkers—Adriana Cavarero, Judith Butler, and Bonnie Honig—to debate Cavarero’s call for a postural ethics of nonviolence. The book consists of three longer essays by Cavarero, Butler, and Honig, followed by shorter responses by a range of scholars that widen the dialogue, drawing on post-Marxism, Italian feminism, queer theory, and lesbian and gay politics. Together, the authors contest the boundaries of their common project for a pluralistic, heterogeneous, but urgent feminist ethics of nonviolence.

Forthcoming January 2021 Pre-order here!

The Feminine Symptom by Emanuela Bianchi


The Feminine Symptom is an inexplicable but necessary coincidence—sumptoma in Greek—that defines the feminine symptom. Departing from the standard associations of male-activity-form and female-passivity-matter, Bianchi traces the operation of chance and spontaneity throughout Aristotle’s biology, physics, cosmology, and metaphysics and argues that it is not passive but aleatory matter— unpredictable, ungovernable, and acting against nature and teleology—that he continually allies with the feminine. Aristotle’s pervasive disparagement of the female as a mild form of monstrosity thus works to shore up his polemic against the aleatory and to consolidate patriarchal teleology in the face of atomism and Empedocleanism. Bianchi concludes by connecting her analysis to recent biological and materialist political thinking, and makes the case for a new, antiessentialist politics of aleatory feminism.

The Politics of Survival: Peirce, Affectivity, And Social Criticism by Lara Trout

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The Politics of Survival brings Peirce and social criticism into conversation. On the one hand, Peircean cognition, epistemology, phenomenology, and metaphysics dovetail with social critical insights into the inter-relationships among body and mind, emotion and reason, self and society. Moreover, Peirce’s epistemological ideal of an infinitely inclusive community of inquiry into knowledge and reality implies a repudiation of exclusionary prejudice. On the other hand, work in feminism and race theory illustrates how the application of Peirce’s infinitely inclusive communal ideal can be undermined by non-conscious habits of exclusion internalized in childhood by members belonging to historically dominant groups, such as the economically privileged, heterosexuals, men, and whites. Trout offers a Peircean response to this application problem that both acknowledges the “blind spots” of non-conscious discrimination and recommends a communally situated network of remedies including agapic love, critical common-sensism, scientific method, and self-control.

Womanpriest: Tradition and Transgression in the Contemporary Roman Catholic Church by Jill Peterfeso

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While some Catholics and even non-Catholics today are asking if priests are necessary, especially given the ongoing sex-abuse scandal, The Roman Catholic Womanpriests (RCWP) looks to reframe and reform Roman Catholic priesthood, starting with ordained women. Womanpriest is the first academic study of the RCWP movement. As an ethnography, this work analyzes the womenpriests’ actions and lived theologies in order to explore ongoing tensions in Roman Catholicism around gender and sexuality, priestly authority, and religious change. Womanpriest reveals RCWP to be a discrete religious movement in a distinct religious moment, with a small group of tenacious women defying the Catholic patriarchy, taking on the priestly role, and demanding reconsideration of Roman Catholic tradition. Doing so, the women inhabit and re-create the central tensions in Catholicism today.

Here is a full list of our titles that we have made OPEN-ACCESS!