Fordham University Press Acquires Groundbreaking Series — Disruptive Cartographers: Doing Theology Latinamente
By Katie Sweeney
11th July 2022
New York — Fordham University Press (FUP) acquires Queer God de Amor by Latino theologian Miguel Díaz. The book is part of the Disruptive Cartographers: Doing Theology Latinamente series, which will also be moving to Fordham University Press from Orbis Books with this volume. Previous volumes include The Word Became Culture and the award-winning Revelation in the Vernacular.
About the Series
Disruptive Cartographers: Doing Theology Latinamente is multivolume series that re-maps theology and pushes out in new directions from varying coordinates across a spectrum of latinidad as lived in the USA. Authors reconfigure and disrupt key areas like revelation, eschatology, and trinity. Other volumes complicate and advance even further key themes of significance in Latin@ theologies, including the option for culture, religious diversity, and Mary.
“Fordham University Press is excited to have acquired Queer God de Amor by Miguel Díaz and to have secured the rights to publish the Disruptive Cartographers: Doing Theology Latinamente series of which it is a part. The book and series are a perfect fit with our catalog and contribute to our mission of publishing boundary-breaking scholarship and supporting underrepresented voices. We welcome Dr. Díaz, together with his co-editors, Carmen M. Nanko-Fernández and Gary Riebe-Estrella, S.V.D., to the FUP community of authors and look forward to a successful and long-lasting collaboration.” —Fredric Nachbaur, Director, Fordham University Press
“The Disruptive Cartographers: Doing Theology Latinamente series reflects ethical and theological commitments to the invitation of Pope Francis “¡hagan lío!” As theologians and scholars arising from complex matrices of latinidad, lived and experienced in myriad modalities, we stir things up by retrieving resources from a rich diversity of Latin@ /Hispan@ traditioning. With particular attention to sources that may have been suppressed, erased, ignored, or overlooked, we explore in creative and interdisciplinary ways the stuff of lo cotidiano, daily life. We are excited about the prospect of pushing las fronteras en conjunto with Fordham University Press.”
—Carmen M. Nanko-Fernández, Founding Editor, Disruptive Cartographers
About Fordham University Press
Fordham University Press, established in 1907, is the seventh oldest university press in the country and the nation’s oldest Catholic university press. Fordham University Press not only represents and uphold the values and traditions of the University itself but also furthers those values and traditions through the dissemination of scholarly research and ideas. The Press publishes boundary-breaking print and digital books that bring recognition to itself, the University, and authors while balancing the need to publish in new formats and work collaboratively on and off campus. Its regional imprints, Empire State Editions and New York ReLit, and location in New York City’s Lincoln Center neighborhood reinforce the university’s motto, New York is My Campus, Fordham is My School.
Queer God de Amor
Miguel H. Díaz
Fordham University Press; Paperback ISBN: 978-1-5315-0248-5 | Theology | Religion | LGBTQ Studies | $25.95
160 pages, 5 ½ x 8 ½
eBook Available
Disruptive Cartographers: Doing Theology Latinamente
Publication Date: September 13, 2022
Media Contact: Kate O’Brien-Nicholson, Fordham University Press, [email protected].