Addresses from the 2007 International James Joyce Conference
Thomas F. Staley, “A Life With Joyce”
Carol Loeb Shloss, “Copyright and the Joyce Estate: Legal Issues,
Moral Issues, and Unresolved Issues in the Publication of
Lucia Joyce: To Dance in the The Wake”
Robert Spoo, “Litigating the Right To Be a Scholar”
Visual Art
Carl Kohler, Sketches of Joyce’s Progressive Blindness
Garry Leonard, “He’s Got Bette Davis Eyes: Joyce and Melodrama”
Margot Backus, “Odd Jobs’: James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, and the
New Journalism”
Alistair McCleery, William Brockman, and Ian Gunn, “Fresh Evidence
and Further Complications: Correcting the Text of the
Random House 1934 Edition of Ulysses”
Andre Cormier, “The Transcendental, Blind Stripling in Ulysses”
Michael Lapointe, “Irish Nationalism’s Sacrificial Homosociality
in Ulysses”
Sam Slote, “1904, A Space Odyssey”
William Sayers, “The Russian General, Gargantua, and Joyce Writing ‘of
his wit’s waste’ in Finnegans Wake