Edited: Richard Kearney
Richard Kearney is Charles Seelig Chair of Philosophy at Boston College and author and editor of more than forty books on contemporary philosophy and culture. He is founding editor of the Guestbook Project and has been engaged in developing a postnationalist philosophy of peace and empathy over several decades. His most relevant books on this subject include Strangers, Gods and Monsters (2001), Postnationalist Ireland (1998), Hosting the Stranger (2012), Phenomenologies of the Stranger (2010), Imagination Now (2019), and Touch: Recovering Our Most Vital Sense (2021).
Edited: Brian Treanor
Brian Treanor is Professor of Philosophy and Director of Environmental Studies at Loyola Marymount University. He is the author of Aspects of Alterity (Fordham, 2006) and Emplotting Virtue (SUNY Press, 2014), and the coeditor of A Passion for the Possible (Fordham University Press, 2010), Interpreting Nature (Fordham University Press, 2013), and Being-in-Creation (Fordham University Press, 2015). Current projects include the development of an “earthy” hermeneutics, and a monograph on the experience of joy.