Afterword: Geoffrey Bennington
Geoffrey Bennington is Asa G. Candler Professor of Modern French Thought at Emory University.
Contributions: Patrick Dove
Contributions: Erin Graff Zivin
Erin Graff Zivin is Professor of Spanish and Portuguese and of Comparative Literature at the University of Southern California. She is the author of Figurative Inquisitions: Conversion, Torture, and Truth in the Luso-Hispanic Atlantic (Northwestern University Press, 2014, winner of the 2015 Award for Best Book, Latin American Jewish Studies Association) and The Wandering Signifier: Rhetoric of Jewishness in the Latin American Imaginary (Duke University Press, 2008).
Contributions: Jaime Hanneken
Foreword: Peggy Kamuf
Peggy Kamuf is Professor Emerita of French and Comparative Literature at the University of Southern California. Her books include Book of Addresses, which won the René Wellek Prize, and, most recently, Literature and the Remains of the Death Penalty.
Contributions: David Kelman
Contributions: Brett Levinson
Brett Levinson is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Binghamton University. He is the author of The Ends of Literature: The Latin American "Boom" in the Neoliberal Marketplace and Secondary Moderns: Mimesis, History, and Revolution in Lezama Lima's "American Expression."
Contributions: Jacques Lezra
Jacques Lezra is Distinguished Professor in the Departments of English and Hispanic Studies at the University of California, Riverside. His most recent publications are República salvaje (2019), On the Nature of Marx’s Things (2018), Untranslating Machines: A Genealogy for the Ends of Global Thought (2017), and Contra todos los fueros de la Muerte (2016).
Contributions: Alberto Moreiras
Alberto Moreiras is Professor of Hispanic Studies at Texas A&M University. He is the author of The Exhaustion of Difference: The Politics of Latin American Cultural Studies (Duke University Press, 2001), Against Abstraction: Notes from an Ex–Latin Americanist (University of Texas Press, 2020), Sosiego siniestro (Guillermo Escolar, 2020), and Tercer espacio y otros relatos (SPLASH, 2021).
Contributions: Gareth Williams
Gareth Williams is Professor of Spanish and Latin American & Caribbean Studies at the University of Michigan, where he is Chair of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures.