Foreword by
Patrick J. Ryan, S.J. | xi
Introduction by
Antonio Spadaro, S.J. | xv
Translatorâs Notes
Marina A. Herrera | xxxix
List of Abbreviations | xlvii
Anointing Is an Act of the Whole Being | 3
Homily, Chrism MassâApril 1, 1999, Year A
Leave Behind Nostalgia and Pessimism and Open the Way to Our Thirst for Encounter | 5
Homily, Solemn Te Deum on Independence DayâMay 25, 1999
Remembering the Father Is Not Just Another Memory | 11
Homily, Solemnity of Corpus ChristiâJune 5, 1999, Year A
God, Our Father, Please Heal Her | 13
Homily, Meeting of Politicians and Legislators from Latin Americaâ August 3, 1999
Standing in Line and Walking | 15
Homily, Shrine of Saint CajetanâAugust 7, 1999
Educating in the Culture of Encounter | 17
Position Paper on Education at the Headquarters of the Christian Business AssociationâSeptember 1, 1999
Consecrated Life Makes Sense Only in Light of Fruitfulness | 26
Homily, Mass with Consecrated Men and WomenâSeptember 8, 1999
Open the Doors to Christ | 29
Letter to Priests of the ArchdioceseâOctober 1, 1999
The Virginâs Gaze Is a Gift | 33
Homily, Twenty-Fifth Youth Pilgrimage to LujĂĄnâOctober 3, 1999
To Govern Is to Serve Each One of These Brothers | 34
Homily, Solemn Te Deum for New National AuthoritiesâDecember 11, 1999 (Transcript)
âGod with Usâ | 35
Homily, Christmas of the MillenniumâDecember 18, 1999, Year B
âRepent and Believe in the Gospelâ | 41
Archdiocesan Catechetical Encounter (EAC)âMarch 11, 2000, Year B (Transcript)
Keeping Our Feet on Earth to Avoid Losing the Way to Heaven | 43
Message to the Educational CommunityâMarch 29, 2000
Educating in Peace and Hope | 58
Homily, Mass for the Education VicariateâMarch 29, 2000 (Transcript)
God, Your God, Has Anointed You with the Oil of Gladness | 59
Homily, Chrism MassâApril 20, 2000, Year B
The Angel Reassures the Women: âDo Not Be Afraidâ | 62
Homily, Easter VigilâApril 22, 2000, Year B
Hope Does Not Disappoint | 63
Homily, Solemn Te Deum on Independence DayâMay 25, 2000
Where Do You Want Us to Prepare the Eucharist? | 67
Homily, Solemnity of Corpus ChristiâJune 24, 2000, Year B
For a Millennium of Justice, Solidarity, and Hope | 69
Homily, Shrine of Saint CajetanâAugust 7, 2000
In Every Encounter There Is a New Story at Play | 71
Jubilee Celebration for EducatorsâSeptember 13, 2000
Help Us Find Jesus in Each Other | 73
Homily, Twenty-Sixth Youth Pilgrimage to LujĂĄnâOctober 1, 2000
To Educate: Blending a âWarmâ and an âIntellectualâ Task | 77
Message to the Educational CommunityâMarch 28, 2001
Caring for Another Is Power | 92
Homily, Mass for EducatorsâMarch 28, 2001
May Our Priesthood Make the Faithful People of God Feel That the Church Loves Them | 93
Homily, Chrism MassâApril 12, 2001, Year C
He Is Not Here. He Has Been Raised | 96
Homily, Easter VigilâApril 15, 2001, Year C
Whoever Wishes to Be Great Among You Shall Be Your Servant | 98
Homily, Solemn Te Deum on Independence DayâMay 25, 2001
Everyone Ate Until Satisfied | 104
Homily, Solemnity of Corpus ChristiâJune 16, 2001, Year C
Be Engaged So You Can Help Engage Others | 106
Letter to CatechistsâAugust 2001
The Word Seemed Already to Wipe Away Our Tears | 111
Homily, Shrine of Saint CajetanâAugust 7, 2001
The Human Dimension Is Key to the Sociopolitical Task | 114
Spontaneous Remarks at Archdiocesan Days for Social MinistryâDecember 13, 2001 (Transcript)
A Light That Is the Hope of the People of God | 116
Homily, Christmas Mass during the NightâDecember 24, 2001, Year A
You Are Anointed to Preach, to Heal, to Liberate | 121
Homily, Chrism MassâMarch 28, 2002, Year A
This Event Changes for Us the Meaning of History | 124
Easter VigilâMarch 30, 2002, Year A
Oneâs Word and Friendship | 125
Message to the Educational CommunityâMarch 31, 2002
Let Yourself Be Possessed by the Truth | 145
Homily, Mass for EducatorsâApril 10, 2002
We Have Reasons to Hope | 147
Homily, Solemn Te Deum on Independence DayâMay 25, 2002
Remember How Your God Has Directed All Your Journeying | 153
Homily, Solemnity of Corpus Christi and Consecration of Buenos Aires to Our Lady of LujĂĄnâJune 1, 2002, Year A
âThe Lord, Your God, Shall You Worship and Him Alone Shall You Serveâ | 156
Letter to CatechistsâAugust 2002
Get in Line and Walk | 159
Homily, Shrine of Saint CajetanâAugust 7, 2002
Communicator, Who Is Your Neighbor? | 162
Keynote Address, Third Congress of Media PersonnelâOctober 10, 2002
To Educate Is to Choose Life | 173
Message to the Educational CommunityâApril 9, 2003
And the Truth Shall Set You Free | 191
Homily, Mass for EducatorsâApril 9, 2003, Wednesday in the Fifth Week of Lent, Year B
The Hope That God Would Care for Our Fragility | 192
Homily, Chrism MassâApril 17, 2003, Year B
Paralysis Sickens Our Soul | 195
Homily, Easter VigilâApril 19, 2003, Year B
Do Not Let Anyone Remain âat the Edge of Lifeâ | 196
Homily, Solemn Te Deum on Independence DayâMay 25, 2003
Duc in altum, the Social Thought of John Paul II | 202
Lecture on the Social Thought of John Paul II on the Dignity of WorkâJune 7, 2003
He Broke the Bread and Gave It to Them | 214
Homily, Solemnity of Corpus ChristiâJune 21, 2003, Year B
Let Us Not Be DisheartenedâWeâll Find the Way to Start Over Again | 216
Homily, Shrine of Saint CajetanâAugust 7, 2003
The Treasure of Our Clay | 219
Message to CatechistsâAugust 21, 2003
âThe People Who Walked in Darkness Have Seen a Great Lightâ | 222
Homily, Christmas Mass during the NightâDecember 24, 2003, Year C
Throw the Nets in Deeper Waters | 227
Homily, Ash WednesdayâFebruary 25, 2004, Year C
The Reality of the Unborn Child | 230
Homily, Day of the Unborn ChildâMarch 25, 2004, Feast of the Annunciation
Where Did We Take the Fragility of Our People? | 232
Homily, Chrism MassâApril 8, 2004, Year C
Remembering Returns the Women to Reality | 234
Homily, Easter VigilâApril 10, 2004, Year C
Education for Living | 236
Letter to EducatorsâApril 21, 2004
Enter the Light Because the Truth Is There | 257
Homily, Education MassâApril 21, 2004, Wednesday, Second Week of Easter, Year C (Transcript)
Wisdom Is the Bread That Opens Our Eyes | 259
Homily, Solemn Te Deum on Independence DayâMay 25, 2004
âHe Spoke to Them about the Kingdom of Godâ | 267
Homily, Solemnity of Corpus ChristiâJune 12, 2004, Year C
âGet Up and Eat or the Journey Will Be Too Much for You!â | 270
Letter to CatechistsâAugust 2004
The Lord Gives Us a Bread That Puts Us Back on the Road | 273
Homily, Shrine of Saint CajetanâAugust 7, 2004
âBe Reconciled with Godâ | 276
Homily, Tenth National Eucharistic CongressâSeptember 2, 2004
Letâs Be Quiet in Our Hearts and Be Accountable for Our Brothers and Sisters | 279
Remarks, Selichot Service in Preparation for Rosh Hashana at the
Synagogue on 2049 Vidal StreetâSeptember 11, 2004
It Is Possible to Be Holy | 281
Closing Presentation at the Congress on Veritatis splendorâSeptember 25, 2004
We Want to Be One People, We Want to Be Family | 288
Homily, Thirtieth Youth Pilgrimage to LujĂĄnâOctober 3, 2004
The Existence of the Pastor Is Expressed in Dialogue | 290
Homily, Funeral Mass for Cardinal Juan Carlos Aramburu, Archbishop Emeritus of Buenos AiresâNovember 22, 2004
Jesus Already Warned Us That These Things Would Happen, and He Told Us Not to Be Afraid | 291
Letter to Consecrated Men, Women, and the FaithfulâDecember 1, 2004
Give Us a Sign | 292
Homily, Christmas Mass during the NightâDecember 25, 2004, Year A (Transcript)
Index of Scriptural References | 295
General Index | 299