Foreword by Patrick J. Ryan, S.J. | xi
Introduction by Antonio Spadaro, S.J. | xv
Translator’s Notes by Marina A. Herrera | xxxix
List of Abbreviations | xlvii
The Joy of Evangelization | 3
Address on the Sunday Homily at the Plenary Assembly
of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, Rome—January 19, 2005
We Take Refuge in the Name of the Lord | 13
Homily, First Month Anniversary after the Tragic Fire at the República
Cromañón Nightclub—January 30, 2005 (Transcript)
“He Went Up the Mountain and Summoned Those Whom He Wanted” | 14
Opening Address, Archdiocesan Catechetical Encounter
(EAC)—March 12, 2015
“Today This Scripture Passage Is Fulfilled in Your Hearing” | 21
Homily, Chrism Mass—March 24, 2005
“Truly, This Was the Son of God!” | 24
Homily, Easter Vigil—March 26, 2005, Year A
Coherence Is Tilling Within the Heart | 26
Homily, Mass in Memory of His Holiness John Paul II—
April 4, 2005 (Transcript)
Let Us Not Waste the Opportunity Given to Us | 28
Letter to the Educational Community—April 6, 2005
The Loaf of Bread Is One | 49
Homily, Solemnity of Corpus Christi—May 28, 2005, Year A
Loving Tenderly in Every Detail | 52
Homily, Shrine of Saint Cajetan—August 7, 2005
“Mother, Help Us to Care for Life” | 55
Letter on Childhood, Thirty-First Youth Pilgrimage to Luján—October 1, 2005,
Feast of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Patroness of Children in the Archdiocese
He Was Born and Announced at Night | 64
Homily, Christmas Mass—December 24, 2005, Year B
The Lord Purifies through Tears | 66
Homily, First Anniversary Mass for Those Lost in the República
Cromañón Tragedy—December 30, 2005 (Transcript)
The One Who Nourishes and Brings about Growth | 73
Address at a Seminar for Rectors—February 9, 2006
The Church Cannot and Should Not Remain on the Sidelines in the Fight for Justice | 78
Presentation of the Book Church and Democracy in Argentina—March 6, 2006
A Model of the Tireless Pilgrim | 82
The Archdiocesan Catechetical Encounter (EAC)—March 11, 2006,
Readings for the Second Sunday of Lent, Year B
A Truth That Is Not Good Is a Good That Is Not True | 85
Presentation to Argentina Press Association (ADEPA)
Conference—April 6, 2006
Jesus’ Homily Was Very Short | 91
Homily, Chrism Mass—April 13, 2006
The Women Wanted to Anoint the Body of Jesus | 95
Homily, Easter Vigil—April 15, 2006, Year B
We Are a People with a Vocation for Greatness | 96
Message to the Educational Community—April 27, 2006
There Is No Growth If It Is Not in the Bosom of a People, in the Bosom of a Family | 114
Homily, Mass for Education—April 27, 2006 (Transcript)
Led by Her Hand | 116
Homily, Ninety-First Plenary Assembly of the Argentina
Episcopal Conference, Pilar—May 8, 2006
“Rejoice and Be Glad, for Your Reward Will Be Great in Heaven” | 118
Homily, Solemn Te Deum on National Day—May 25, 2006
The Lord Walks with Us | 126
Homily, Solemnity of Corpus Christi—June 17, 2006, Year B
The Blood of Martyrs Is the Seed of Christians | 129
Homily, Thirtieth Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Bishop Enrique A.
Angelelli, La Rioja—August 4, 2006 (Transcript)
The Grace of Feeling Heard | 134
Homily, Shrine of Saint Cajetan—August 7, 2006
“Guard Your Steps as You Go to the House of God and Draw near to Listen” | 137
Letter to Catechists—August 21, 2006
He Gifted Her to Us as Mother and Gave Us to Her as Her Children | 142
Homily, Thirty-Second Youth Pilgrimage to Luján—October 1, 2006 (Transcript)
The Tender God Suffers Because of the Hardness of Our Hearts | 143
Homily, First Congress on Evangelization of Culture—November 3, 2006 (Transcript)
You Will Be Blessed Because of Their Inability to Repay You | 145
Homily, Ninety-Second Plenary Assembly of the Argentina Episcopal
Conference, Pilar—November 6, 2006
“She Wrapped Him in Swaddling Clothes and Laid Him in a Manger” | 148
Homily, Christmas Mass—December 24, 2006, Year C
Parish and Family | 153
Position Paper at the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission
for Latin America, Rome—January 18, 2007
We Prepare by Walking | 162
Homily, Ash Wednesday—February 21, 2007, Year C
We Are Invited to Bring, with Apostolic Fervor, Anointing to the Margins | 169
Homily, Chrism Mass—April 5, 2007
What Was Going on in the Hearts of These Women and Disciples? | 172
Homily, Easter Vigil—April 7, 2007, Year C
To Educate Is a Shared Commitment | 174
Message to the Educational Community—April 18, 2007
Education Is a Dialogue | 190
Homily, Mass for Education on Friday of the Second Week of
Easter—April 18, 2007 (Transcript)
“No Disciple Is Above His Teacher” | 192
Homily, Opening of the Episcopal Assembly—April 23, 2007,
Monday in the Third Week of Easter
Unique Challenge: The Crisis of Civilization and Culture | 196
Position Paper at the V CELAM Conference, Aparecida,—May 1, 2007
When the Spirit of Truth Comes, He Will Guide You to All Truth | 206
Homily, Eucharistic Celebration at Aparecida, Brazil—May 16, 2007 (Transcript)
In Hope, We Are Saved | 208
Homily, Charismatic Renewal Community—June 2, 2007 (Transcript)
Broke the Bread and Gave It to the Disciples | 211
Homily, Solemnity of Corpus Christi—June 9, 2007, Year C
When We Pray We Are Fighting for Our People | 213
Letter to the Consecrated Men and Women of the Archdiocese—July 29, 2007, Year C
The Dignity and Fullness of Life | 218
Homily, Feast of Saint Cajetan—August 7, 2007
“He Calls His Own Sheep by Name and Leads Them Out” | 221
Letter to Catechists—August 21, 2007
Showing Mercy | 225
Homily, Opening Mass for the Ninety-Fourth Plenary Assembly of the
Argentina Episcopal Conference—November 5, 2007, Monday for the
Thirty-First Week in Ordinary Time, Year I
Culture and Popular Piety | 233
Lecture, Popular Piety as Inculturation of Faith in the Spirit
of Aparecida—January 19, 2008
Today the Place of the Christian Is the Street | 260
Homily, Palm Sunday, San José de Flores Basilica—March
15, 2008, Year A (Transcript)
Identity in Mission | 262
Homily, Chrism Mass—March 20, 2008
On the Road to the Encounter | 264
Homily, Easter Vigil—March 22, 2008, Year A
Let Us Plant the Banner of Faith in Our Daily Life | 266
Homily, Opening Mass for Plenary Assembly of the Argentina
Episcopal Conference, Monday in the Third Week of Easter— April 7, 2008
Return to the Roots of the Faith: Mission as Proposal and Challenge | 270
Address, First Meeting of the Presbyteral Council—April 15, 2008
Let Us Teach Not to Fear the Search for Truth | 279
Message at the Mass for Education—April 23, 2008
To Find Him You Have to Go on the Road | 292
Homily, Solemnity of Corpus Christi—May 24, 2008, Year A
The Eucharist and the Church, Mystery of the Covenant | 295
Catechesis at the Forty-Ninth International Eucharistic Congress, Québec,
Canada—June 18, 2008
Build a Place for Everyone | 307
Homily, Shrine of Saint Cajetan—August 7, 2008
We All Have a Debt to Others: To Love | 311
Homily, Eucharistic Celebration of Migrants Day at the Shrine of Our Lady,
Mother of Emigrants—September 7, 2008 (Transcript)
The Message of Aparecida to Priests | 314
Presentation to Priests, Brochero, Córdoba, Argentina—September 11, 2008
“Mother, Teach Us to Listen” | 323
Homily, Thirty-Fourth Youth Pilgrimage to Luján—October 5, 2008 (Transcript)
Be Welcoming to All, Accepting with Meekness | 325
Homily, Opening of the Ninety-Sixth Plenary Assembly of the Argentina
Episcopal Conference, Pilar—November 1, 2008
Index of Scriptural References | 333
General Index | 337