Introduction: Being Afterward | 1
1 Lupe at the Mic
After January 1959, Havana, Cuba, in Tatlin’s Whisper #6 | 11
2 The Tenuous Moonlight of an Unrequited Past
After September 11, 1973, Santiago de Chile, in The Battle
of Chile, Chile: Obstinate Memory, and Nostalgia for the Light | 35
3 Something That Opens a Wish and Closes a Door
After December 1989, Romania, in Videograms of a Revolution,
Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu, and 12:08 East of Bucharest | 63
4 Whoever Knows the Truth Lies
After October 1977, West Germany, in Germany in Autumn and October 18, 1977 | 123
Conclusion: The Undersong of Our Histories | 161
Acknowledgments | 183
Notes | 185