Quick Marketing IDeas
- Start a Facebook page and/or Twitter/X account for your book. Remember to tag @FordhamPress in your posts.
- Submit a blog piece about your book to Kate O’Brien-Nicholson ([email protected]) for https://www.fordhampress.com/blog/.
- In your email signature, be sure to include links to your book page on www.fordhampress.com, or to your favorite online or local bookstore(s).
- Are you on Instagram? Post some visual eye-candy about your book. Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fordham_press/
Dear Author,
I am pleased to send you a copy of the Fordham University Press catalog featuring your new book. An important marketing tool, this is often our customers’ first encounter with our new titles. We hope you will agree that it is a strong representation of the Fordham University Press identity and a bold announcement of your book.
We have also created a promotional plan tailored for your book that incorporates a mix of select academic conferences, advertising, direct mail, publicity and E-marketing. Your book will be displayed at core scholarly meeting and featured in our subject catalogs that reach professors and libraries. Additionally, we will send review copies to relevant academic and trade media outlets. We have perused your author’s questionnaire to be certain that we have not overlooked your suggestions and greatly appreciate the time you have put into this necessary document.
Our Marketing Manager, Katie Sweeney Parmiter ([email protected]) and I will be managing the marketing of your book. Please find a brief description of marketing vehicles to follow:
1) Marketing and Sales: We kicked off our marketing and sales campaign for our titles with individual book presentations to our domestic and international sales force.
The sales reps call on campus stores, independent shops, specialty/museum accounts as well as the national chains. They walk buyers through our seasonal catalog highlighting key sales points. If you would like us to call-out specific books shops— (i.e.) your local bookstore—to reps please let us know.
2) Course Adoption: If you feel your book has course adoption potential, please email Kate O’Brien-Nicholson ([email protected]) a list of university courses, departments, classes, and professors to target. We have included a section on the Author Questionnaire for this information.
3) Publicity: Upon the publication of your book, we will send out review copies. We tailor a review list based on your author questionnaire and our in-house media (reviewer) contacts. If you have personal contacts in the media, or would like to request that a specific publication receive a review copy of your book, please email us that information. We will forward you copies of all reviews we receive. However, be advised that many publications (especially scholarly journals) can take months or even years to review a book.
4) We are currently running a blend of in-person and virtual book exhibits. (For the list of virtual events that updates on a rolling basis, go to https://www.fordhampress.com/virtual-events/). Keep in mind: We exhibit books at select conferences that we budget for in advance (For the full list, go to https://www.fordhampress.com/events/).If you are going to be on a panel, we need to know in advance so we can work this into our marketing plans for your book—the sooner we know the better. Also, let us know in advance of any academic meetings and conferences you plan on attending, especially those outside your core subject fields (as they may be overlooked when creating marketing plans).
If you would like your book displayed at a conference outside our standard list, we will try to have your book exhibited via our one of our exhibiting partners. However, due to budget limitations this is sometimes not possible. For exhibits that are outside our reach, we provide authors with a printable pdf so authors can self-promote their book at conferences and events. Please email [email protected] at least 4 weeks before the conference or event to leave enough time to have the flyer designed in advance.
* Note: You should always carry a copy of your book with you to academic meetings as a contingency (shipping mishaps can happen).
5) Events: It is very important to let us know about any speaking engagements well in advance to ensure that books arrive in time from our distributor. We also need to earmark inventory for these events. If you would like to read at your local bookstore, please contact the shop directly, but do let us know so we can send any appropriate supporting materials along.
If you are planning an event for your book, send Kate and Katie the name of the event, date, time, and location of the event. If your event is at a bookstore, the bookstore should place an order for books with our distributor, Ingram. This can be done through iPage or by emailing [email protected].
If you are hosting a small event, talk, or panel and require books to sell yourself, email our Business Manager, Margaret Noonan ([email protected]) with the quantity and address, and any additional details. She will set up an author consignment account.
*Note: We require six weeks advance notice to order the books; otherwise, you will incur a shipping surcharges.
6) Awards: Using suggestions from your author’s questionnaire, we will select the appropriate places to submit your book. *List up to five awards that do not require a submission fee.
7) Direct Mail and Advertising: Direct mail pieces include subject-specific catalogs, postcards, and brochures we produce to reach our core academic audiences and libraries. In light of COVID-19 and supply chain disruptions, we can craft an eBlast to your target audience. If you have access to any departmental or organizational email lists please forward them to us. We can also create a title-specific flyer for your personal distribution. (Don’t be shy about asking the library at your institution to carry your book!)
8) Blog: Visit our blog at https://www.fordhampress.com/blog/. We invite you to post information about your book, events you are attending, etc. If you would like to “get the word out” on the blog but are uncomfortable with the technology, please reach out to us and we will gladly take you through the process. Please email your piece to Kate O’Brien-Nicholson ([email protected]).
9) Social Networking: As news and events about your book comes in, we will post to our various social media networks with hashtags where applicable. These include:
• Twitter/X
Tag @fordhampress or use the hashtag #FordhamPress. Additional hashtags that promote the network of University Presses (UPs) are #LookitUP #ReadUP
• Facebook
• Instagram
• Pinterest
• TikTok
• YouTube
Please follow us on our social media networks so you can easily pass along your book news electronically and notify your own social networks. You may also look into creating a Facebook page for your book. Please contact Katie ([email protected]) to begin this process.
10) Ebooks: Your book will be made available as an eBook provided we have the eRights to do so. We have signed on with major retail partners such as Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Chegg, eBooks Corporation, JSTOR, Proquest, Questia, Serials Solution, Scopus, SIPX, University Reader, and more. If your classes are going digital, please consider recommending the electronic version of your book.
Our books are made available online to researchers and students at our institution and others worldwide. FUP is in partnership with two major online databases that aggregate scholarly content.
#1: University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO) is a vast and rapidly expanding online research library, offering full-text access to thousands of academic monographs from key disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law. If your book is chosen for inclusion into this program, we will contact you to create Abstracts & Keywords (A&Ks) that will display with your book. To browse our UPSO titles, visit http://fordham.universitypressscholarship.com/.
#2: University Press Content Consortium (UPCC). UPCC collections are available on Project Muse. Fordham University Press books will be searchable and retrievable at the chapter level. Our books are made available in PDF format with unlimited simultaneous usage and no DRM. MARC records are made available for our books.
Finally, here is a list of ideas on how you can support Fordham Press’ efforts to better market your book. We are open to hearing your own ideas as well.
Thank you for choosing Fordham University Press. We look forward to working together to promote your new book!
Kate O’Brien-Nicholson
Associate Director; Marketing & Sales Director
@Kateonich / [email protected] / 646.868.4204