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Fordham University Press publishes scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences, as well as books of interest to the general public. Its list emphasizes American studies, anthropology, critical race theory, cultural studies, education, gender studies, history, literary studies, media and communications, Medieval studies, philosophy, political theory, religion, sociology, theology, and urban studies. The Press publishes work about New York City and the Hudson Valley under its Empire State Editions imprint.

The Press welcomes book proposals in the fields in which we generally publish.  We do not publish fiction, and we do not publish poetry except in the Poets Out Loud series.  Details on how to submit to Poets Out Loud can be found here; submissions should not be sent to the Press.

We recommend that submissions include the following:

  • a cover letter outlining the book's argument, its contribution to scholarship, and its fit with our list
  • a current curriculum vitae
  • a prospectus (5-10 pp), giving a detailed outline of the book and addressing its target audience, competing works, anticipated completion date, anticipated word count (including notes and bibliography), and any art or graphics requirements.
  • contributor bios (edited volumes only)
  • a sample chapter (optional)

Do not send complete manuscripts unless you have been asked to do so.

Proposals may be sent by email to the appropriate editor from the list below.  Submit to one editor only; if necessary the proposal can be passed along to a more appropriate editor.

We will attempt to respond within eight weeks.


Fredric Nachbaur, Director | [email protected]

Areas of Interest

Education, History, Italian American Studies,  LGBTQ Studies, New York City, and Urban Studies.


Critical Studies in Italian Migrations

International Humanitarian Affairs

The North's Civil War

POLIS: Fordham Series in Urban Studies

Reconstructing America

World War II: The Global, Human, and Ethical Dimension

Richard W. Morrison, Editorial Director | [email protected]

Areas of Interest

American Studies, Children’s Studies, Disability, Education, Gender and Sexuality, Literary and Cultural Theory, Race and Ethnic Studies, Religion and Theology.


Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions

Forms of Living

Poets Out Loud

Thinking Out Loud: The Sydney Lectures in Philosophy and Society

Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquia

Thomas Lay, Senior Acquisitions Editor | [email protected]

Areas of Interest

Cultural Anthropology, Film & Media Studies, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Political Theory, and Science Studies.


Berkeley Forum in the Humanities



Just Ideas

Lit Z

Meaning Systems

Perspectives in Continental Philosophy

Thinking from Elsewhere

Verbal Arts

John Garza, Acquisitions Editor | [email protected]

Areas of Interest

Catholic Studies, Latin American Studies, Latinx Studies, Medieval Studies, Philosophy and Theory, Religion & Theology


Catholic Practice in the Americas

Christian Arabic Texts in Translation

Divine Cartographers: Doing Theology Latinamente

The Fordham Series in Medieval Studies

Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies

Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought

Past Light on Present Life: Theology, Ethics, and Spirituality


Please follow Fordham University Press guidelines and submit mandatory documents when delivering a final manuscript for production.

This only applies to books under contract that have been assigned a seasonal catalog.

Contact your acquiring editor if you have specific questions.

Download the following forms to complete and send to your acquiring editor:

*Instructions for Abstracts and Keywords

Marketing Resources

General Interest Titles

Scholarly Titles

Event Guidelines


Award Guidelines

Example Discussion Questions & Study Guides

Library Market Overview

Book Metadata Overview

Edelweiss+ Overview

For order and customer enquiries please visit our order support center or email s[email protected]


Up to three digital editions of Fordham Press titles per semester will be available to professors.

To obtain a digital examination copy, please email your request to Margaret Noonan ([email protected]), from your institutional email address. Please provide us with your name, institution, contact telephone number or email, course name and season, and anticipated enrollment.


Fordham Press offers desk copies free of charge to professors who have adopted a text as required reading for a course. To obtain an electronic desk copy, please email your request to Margaret Noonan ([email protected]) from your institutional email address. Provide us with your name, institution, contact telephone number, course name and season, enrollment, and the name of the bookstore that has ordered the text.


If you would like to review a Fordham Press title for a journal or publication, please submit your request to us, stating the author and the title you are requesting.

Please submit your request to:

Email: [email protected]

Author Interview Requests

Please email your request to Kate O’Brien-Nicholson, Marketing Director, [email protected]

Contact Authors

If you are interested in contacting a Fordham University Press author, please send an email to Kate O’Brien-Nicholson, Marketing Director, [email protected].