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Verbal Arts

Series Editors: Lazar Fleishman (Stanford University) and Haun Saussy (University of Chicago)

The series Verbal Art: Studies in Poetics focuses on the study of the stylistic properties of literary works and on analyses of poetry and prose in theoretical, historical, and comparative perspectives. It deals with assays of those factors in works of verbal art that demarcate poetry from prose, and it investigates relationships between literature, on the one hand, and music, visual arts, and philosophy, on the other. It explores the effects produced on the semantic structure of language by the artistic experiments of poets and writers and seeks to understand the means by which speech is shaped into artistic wholes. The series also scrutinizes the wider effects of poetic practice: its relations to literary theory, to the interaction between the arts and society, and to the institutions of literary communication. Our goal is to work within and among various national traditions, poetic schools, and historical epochs, rather than to impose a priori theoretical generalizations.