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For Authors

Manuscript Submission

Books in the Empire State Editions highlight the beauty, culture, diversity, and history of New York and the never-ending thirst for information about this global metropolis.
Proposals should be sent as an email attachment to Fredric Nachbaur at [email protected].

We recommend that proposals include the following:

  • a cover letter outlining the book's argument, its contribution to scholarship, and its fit with our list
  • a current curriculum vitae
  • a prospectus (5-10 pp), giving a detailed outline of the book and addressing its target audience, competing works, anticipated completion date, anticipated word count (including notes and bibliography), and any art or graphics requirements
  • contributor bios (edited volumes only)
  • a sample chapter (optional)
Do not send complete manuscripts unless you have been asked to do so. We will attempt to give you an initial response within eight weeks.