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Perspectives in Continental Philosophy

Series Editor: John D. Caputo, Villanova University and Syracuse University

Perspectives in Continental Philosophy is devoted to the whole spectrum of contemporary continental studies: nineteenth century beginnings; classical phenomenology and existentialism; hermeneutics, critical theory, and structuralism; the many varieties of poststructuralist or postmodern thought, including the work of Heidegger, Derrida, Lyotard, Levinas, Foucault, and feminist theory; and Agamben, Badiou, Žižek, and debates about the new materialism. While the series is open to a wide variety of approaches to continental thought, it is particularly interested in those that address ethics, political philosophy, or the philosophy of religion. The series welcomes careful interpretive studies of the major figures and movements in contemporary continental philosophy, but it is also interested in original philosophical investigations that draw upon and are written from a continental perspective.

Series Board: James Bernauer, Drucilla Cornell, Thomas R. Flynn, Kevin Hart, Richard Kearney, Jean-Luc Marion, Adriaan Peperzak, Thomas Sheehan, Hent de Vries, Merold Westphal, Michael Zimmerman