The Lincoln Assassination: Crime and Punishment, Myth and Memory
By FUPress
23rd November 2009

Forthcoming Spring 2010
Harold Holzer, Senior VP for External Affairs at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, is one of the nation’s leading authorities on Lincoln and the political culture of the Civil War era. He serves as co-chairman of the U.S. Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, formed to examine Lincoln’s legacy over the course of 1809-2009. The Lincoln Assassination: Crime and Punishment, Myth and Memory is his latest book, forthcoming from Fordham Press in Spring, 2010.
Since October 9, the New York Historical Society has been running an exhibition highlighting New York’s significance in the rise of Abraham Lincoln to political prominence. Lincoln and New York, running through March 25, 2010, chronicles the iconic Westerner’s complicated relationship with the Eastern city, beginning with his first visit in February, 1860, to make a speech at Cooper Union.
Holzer appeared on the CBS Morning Show on Saturday to speak about the exhibit and the importance of New York to Lincoln’s presidential campaign. You can see the interview here.
Holzer has edited several books for Fordham, including:
Lincoln on Democracy
Edited and with a new introduction by Mario C. Cuomo, and Harold Holzer
416 pages
978-0-8232-2345-9, Paper, $24.95
Lincoln Revisited
New Insights from the Lincoln Forum
Edited by John Y. Simon, Harold Holzer, and Dawn Vogel
384 pages, 17 b/w illustrations
978-0-8232-2736-5, Cloth, $29.95
978-0-8232-2738-9, eBook, $21.00
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
The First Complete, Unexpurgated Text
Edited and with a new introduction by Harold Holzer
394 pages
978-0-8232-2342-8, Paper, $25.00
978-0-8232-2341-1, eBook, $18.00
The Lincoln Forum
Rediscovering Abraham Lincoln
Edited by John Y. Simon, and Harold Holzer
262 pages
978-0-8232-2215-5, Paper, $22.00
978-0-8232-2214-8, Cloth, $55.00
Coming Spring, 2010:
The Lincoln Assassination: Crime and Punishment, Myth and Memory
A Lincoln Forum Book
Edited by Harold Holzer, Craig L. Symonds, and Frank J. Williams
256 pages, 56 b/w illustrations
978-0-8232-3226-0, Cloth, $27.95
978-0-8232-3228-4, eBook, $20.00
The North’s Civil War (series)