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Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola

30th July 2010

July 31st is the Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuit movement within Catholicism. Who are the Jesuits? Many people don’t fully understand what the Jesuits do or who they are or what they believe in. The Jesuits, or Society of Jesus, was founded by Loyola, a priest and theologian in Spain, during the Counter-Reformation, a response of the Catholic church to the advent of Protestantism. The Jesuits are principally known today for their deep devotion to education (many schools, including Fordham, are Jesuit schools) and missionary work around the world.

But this only scratches the surface of what Loyola and his followers believed in. Fordham offers several titles to help you delve deeper into understanding the Jesuits and their teachings:

Black Robes & Buckskin: A Selection from the Jesuit Relations , forthcoming in November, focuses on The Jesuit Relations, written by Jesuits in the New World about their beliefs, and the work of converting native peoples. Since the original runs an astounding 73 volumes, Catherine Randall has thoughtfully selected the most informative and relevant pieces for Black Robes & Buckskin. It’s a must-read for all interested in understanding the foundations of this important religious movement.

In January, we have Jesuit and Feminist Education: Intersections in Teaching and Learning in the Twenty-First Century, a book which examines the overlap of Ignatian educational thought and feminist educational theory by presenting a lively dialogue about the shared goals between the two philosophies.

Friends on the Way: Jesuits Encounter Contemporary Judaism, new in paperback in September, is a collection of essays illustrating the long-standing mission of the Jesuits to bridge the gap between Catholicism and Judaism.

Last, but certainly not least, is Thoughts of St. Ignatius Loyola for Every Day of the Year. This volume shares 365 of the iconic theologian’s maxims for integrating God into daily life. The book gives daily spiritual guidance and inspiration and is truly a gift.