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AAUP Book, Jacket, and Journal Show 2010

12th April 2011

AAUP JACKET SHOwFordham University Press is proud to host the 2010 Association of American University Presses Book (AAUP), Jacket, and Journal Show traveling exhibit.

The show recognizes meritorious achievements in the design, production and manufacture of books, jacket, covers, and journals by members of the university press community. It also serves as a focus of discussion and a source of ideas for intelligent, creative, and resourceful book making.

Winner, Scholarly Illustrated category, Fordham University Press

The 2010 show includes books published in 2009 and jacket and covers of books published in 2009. The show was first displayed at the AAUP annual meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah in June 2010 and has traveled to presses such as Columbia University Press and Cornell University Press, before coming to Fordham University Press.

To view the exhibit, visit the O’Hare Special Collections Exhibit Hall on the 4th floor of Walsh Library on Fordham University’s Rose Hill Campus. The exhibit will run until April 15th and is viewable Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.